Do you fear getting out of bed because you know that when you put your foot on the ground you are going to experience sharp stabbing pain like you had a piece of glass in your heel? If you do, you may have plantar fasciitis. Usually as you start to walk around and warm up the pain reduces. Then if you sit down for any length of time, when you stand up again, there it is. A painful reminder.
This is what many people with plantar fasciitis experience every day. There are a lot of home remedies floating around the internet. Things like rolling your foot over a frozen glass bottle, or stretching your calves and hamstrings. But did you know that acupuncture can be an effective treatment for plantar heel pain? (1)
It’s not what you might think either. Not putting painful needles directly into the incredibly painful spot on your heel, that sounds scary. It doesn’t have to be that at all.
Acupuncture is actually as good as ordinary medical treatments like night splints or some medicines (2). Research has shown that acupuncture can provide significant short term pain relief, but was less impressive improving function (1).
If you’d like to find out more, book an appointment to see Dr Baker at Allied Acupuncture Gold Coast, 07 5522 1691.
Acupuncture and electroacupuncture showed significant improvement in short term pain relief but not in function for the treatment of plantar heel pain (AQ+ Quality 1) (1).
High quality studies report significant benefits. …There is evidence supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture for PHP [plantar heel pain]. This is evidence is comparable to the evidence available for conventional medical interventions, such as night splints, stretching or dexamethasone. Therefore acupuncture should be considered in recommendations for the management of patients with PHP. (5 RCTs; 3 non-randomised comparative studies) (2).
Allied Acupuncture Gold Coast
7a/2 Executive Drive, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220
Allied Acupuncture Gold Coast is located near Treetops Shopping Plaza, 5 minutes from the M1, just off Bermuda Street.
It is your local clinic for Varsity Lakes, Reedy Creek, Bonogin and Burleigh Waters.
Commute to work? Get a treatment on the way home while the traffic dies down.
1. The International Centre for Allied Health Evidence (2018). Effectiveness and Safety of Acupuncture Interventions for the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Conditions. Technical Report. Prepared for the Accident Compensation Corporation, New Zealand.
2. Clark RJ, Tighe M. (2012) The effectiveness of acupuncture for plantar heel pain: a systematic review. Acupuncture in Medicine 30(4):298-306.
We are located near Treetops Shopping Plaza, just off Bermuda Street and 5 minutes from the M1. Commute to work? Get a treatment on the way home while the traffic dies down.
I’m here to help you achieve your health goals so you can start feeling like yourself again.