Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions – Allied Acupuncture Gold Coast


Allied Acupuncture keeps all provided information confidential and secure. Doctor’s at Allied Acupuncture have shared access to medical records and only access those records in relation to the treatment of that client. Allied Acupuncture and its Doctors are subject to a strict Code of Conduct concerning client privacy and confidentiality to ensure the security of client records.

Clients undergo treatment at Allied Acupuncture by their own free will and are obliged to voluntarily provide all information related to their personal health in order to ensure that treatments are safe and effective.

New clients at Allied Acupuncture must first complete an Initial Consultation (concession or standard) in full before any other treatments.


Allied Acupuncture Doctor’s will decide upon the most suitable treatment strategy based on the client’s Initial Consultation and may vary treatment at subsequent Follow-Up Consultations at their discretion, and will advise accordingly.

All Allied Acupuncture clients must divulge knowledge of any communicable disease, infection, disease or condition including pregnancy or the likelihood of pregnancy. This is strictly required at the Initial Consultation or at the very next Follow-Up Consultation after this knowledge comes to the client’s attention.

Sales & Promotions

All sales and promotional offers extended by Allied Acupuncture bay be altered or withdrawn at the discretion of Allied Acupuncture.

Discounts apply only when booked and paid for fully within the discount period. After the discount period has lapsed all future bookings will be made at regular pricing unless previously stated.

All payments are final.

Allied Acupuncture reserves the right to end or alter any special, discount or promotion at any time without prior advertisement or notification.

Promotions, sales and specials apply only to the treatments specified in that offer.

Promotions, sales and specials can be purchased as gifts for existing or new clients of Allied Acupuncture. No refunds provided. If Allied Acupuncture deems treatment unsuitable for that the recipient credit may be issued to the purchaser.

Now That We’ve Got The Terms & Conditions Out Of The Way:

Come and experience our service by booking online. To do that click HERE.